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Pro Food Solutions

The Military Food Market

The Military Resale Market is a $17.7 Billion a year industry.

The Military Resale Market consists of:

Commissaries ($4.6 Billion)

The Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment. A core military family support element, and a valued part of military pay and benefits, commissaries contribute to family readiness, enhance the quality of life for America’s military and their families, and help recruit and retain the best and brightest men and women to serve their country.

Exchanges ($12.6 Billion)

The military exchange system provides valuable cost savings to military families. The exchange offers a variety of items at competitive prices and tax-free shopping at facilities including department stores, military clothing stores, gas stations and convenience stores. The exchange also operates facilities at overseas contingency sites and stateside emergency response areas. Equally important, the exchange system profits are reinvested in Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) programs, resulting in quality of life improvements for the entire military community.

  • ​Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES): $6.6 Billion
  • Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM): $2.5 Billion
  • Marine Corps Exchange (MCX): $833 Million
  • Coast Guard Exchange Systems (CGES): $155 Million
  • Veterans Canteen Service (VCS): $448 Million

Ships Afloat ($59 Million)

To meet the needs of the afloat Sailor and Marine, Ship Stores carry basic toiletries and sundries, high demand items such as soft drinks and candy bars, and semi-luxury items with the highest sale potential being those items that would appeal to young adults 18-22 years of age.

Alder Foods specializes in business with the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), the Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), and the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM).

The Military Food Market

+ About DeCA
+ By the Numbers

Learn how Alder Foods can help your brand reach the military food market.

The Department of Defense employs about 1.3 million people on active duty. It is the largest employer in the United States, with more employees than Exxon, Mobil, Ford, General Motors, and GE combined!

Military Food Broker

148 Main St., Norfolk, MA 02056
2920 W Broad St., Richmond, VA 23230

Tel: (508) 660-1993 | Fax: (508) 660-8816